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Be part of the first Expo Vitivinicola dedicated to viticulture and technology that will be held from November 16 to 18, 2022.
Learn about the best tools and technologies, products and techniques for viticulture as well as for the treatment of grapes and winemaking.

Our goal is to be a point of reference for the wine supply chain both nationally and internationally, seeking synergy between different viticulture producers and traders.

The objective will be to guide and inspire the participants by creating ideas for discussion and exchange in order to offer a significant contribution to the evolution of the sector.


By participating together, we will achieve the creation of new opportunities for growing businesses   through deepening research, thus contributing to the evolution of the sector.

Vive la Expo Nogal 2024

Disfruta de todo el contenido de este gran evento.

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Conoce Parras

Disfruta del bello pueblo mágo de Parras de la Fuentes, conoce sus

calles y cultura.


¿Quieres exponer

con nosotros?

Conoce lo más nuevo en maquinaria y tecnología relacionada con los nogales.



Enterate de lo más nuevo de la mano de expertos en el tema del nogal

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